These are some cool research projects I've led.  To find a full list of my peer-reviewed publications and patents, check out my Google Scholar page.



Blake Farrow, Andrew G. Wang, David N. Bunck, James R. Heath

Mimicking protein functions with entropically constrained peptides

Biophysical Journal, 2016, 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.11.1134

Presented as a part of the Gray-Hill Lecture Series (PDF)

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Blake Farrow, Michelle Wong, Jacquie Malette, Bert Lai, Kaycie M. Butler, Samir Das, Arundhati Nag, Heather D. Agnew, James R. Heath

Epitope-targeting of tertiary protein structure enables the target-guided synthesis of a potent in cell inhibitor of Botulinum neurotoxin 

Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., 2015, 10.1002/anie.201502451 

13 citations


Kaycie M. Deyle, Blake Farrow, Ying Qiao Hee, Jeremy Work, Michelle Wong, Bert Lai, Aiko Umeda, Steven Millward, Arundhati Nag, Samir Das, James R. Heath

Protein-targeting strategy develops a selective inhibitor of the E17K mutation in the PH Domain of Akt1 

Nature Chemistry, 2015, 10.1038/nchem.2223 

15 citations


Blake Farrow, Sung A Hong, Errika Romero, Bert Lai, Matthew B. Coppock, Kaycie M. Deyle, Amethist S. Finch, Dimitra N. Stratis-Cullum, Heather Agnew, Sung Yang, James R. Heath. 

A Chemically Synthesized Capture Agent Enables the Selective, Sensitive, and Robust Electrochemical Detection of Anthrax Protective Antigen

ACS Nano, 2013, 7 (10), pp 9452-9660 10.1021/nn404296k

46 citations

Blake Farrow and Prashant V. Kamat

CdSe Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells.  Shuttling Electrons through Stacked Carbon Nanocups

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 11124-11131. 10.1021/ja903337c

232 citations


Blake Farrow and Prashant V. Kamat

Donuts and Tea: A Delicious New Solar Cell Technology

Youtube, 2008,



Aaron Davies, Phillippe Audette, Blake Farrow, Fathy Hassan, Zhongwei Chen, Ja-Yeon Choi, Aiping Yu

Graphene-Based Flexible Supercapacitors: Pulse-Electropolymerization of Polypyrrole on Free-Standing Graphene Films

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115 (35), pp 17612–17620. 10.1021/jp205568v

201 citations